
近日小弟從youtube 得知老外原來是這樣把所為環保電池(免水)維修再使用

經過小弟多日來看了好多老外的做法有2個. 一是倒走舊有的電池水.

煲熱 蒸餾水 再加  Epsom salts = 鎂鹽 = 浴鹽 = 瀉鹽 ($30)

倒回舊有電池. 再充電24小時. 或每一星期晚上充電

網上話幾乎100% 可以回春. 所以小弟撞正自己粒氣車電到期(用了四年)



Measure out 250 grams (about 7 to 8 ounces) of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate). Heat 500 ml of distilled water (1/2 quart) to 65-degrees Celsius (150-degrees Fahrenheit). Dissolve the Epsom salts in the water. Avoid using tap water because it contains chemicals that will damage a battery.
Remove the battery cell caps. If you have a sealed battery, find the “shadow plugs” that cover openings to the battery cells. You’ll need to drill through these. Drain any fluid out of the battery and then use a plastic funnel to pour enough of the Epsom salt solution in to fill each cell of the battery properly. Insert plastic plugs in the drill holes or replace the battery caps and then shake the battery to make sure the Epsom salt solution is well distributed.
Recharge the battery on a slow charge for 24 hours and then re-install it in your car. It should function properly. However, it’s wise to put it on the battery charger each night for 3 to 4 days to restore it fully to
the maximum possible capacity PhotoGrid_1412760774141